About TISC
The Triangle Independent School Consortium is composed of admission professionals from the Triangle area schools. Our Consortium evolved out of the desire of the member schools to work collaboratively in an effort to ease and enhance the admission process for the students, families, and schools involved.
Our Mission
TISC serves member schools and their families by promoting, supporting and enhancing the value of independent education in the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) area of North Carolina through meaningful collaboration.
Core Values
Excellence – a commitment to excellence in independent education
Integrity – ethical behavior in adherence to TISC Guidelines and NAIS Principles of Good Practice
Accountability – accountability to the mission, vision and values of TISC
Collaboration – collaborative efforts that benefit and enhance member schools
Respect – respect for the unique contributions and traditions of each school
TISC Principles of Good Practice
In order to ensure the highest levels of professional conduct and standards, Triangle Independent School Consortium member schools operate under a common code of good practice outlined by NAIS. The Principles of Good Practice are centered on the commitment to serve as advocates for prospective families during the admission process. To that end, TISC member schools will:
Respect and affirm the worth and dignity of each individual in the admission process
Be educated in all aspects of their school and its programs
Seek those students who meet its particular mission and admission criteria
Speak accurately and comprehensively about the strengths of their own institutions and not imply weaknesses in other schools
Abide by the notification deadlines as defined by TISC
Refrain from asking applicants for commitments or indications of commitments in terms of school of first choice during the admission/interview process
Not advise an applicant of their status prior to the official notification date
Avoid consulting with other member schools in regard to prospective students, except when given written permission by the family/applicant involved in the consultation
Keep all Tuition Aid information strictly confidential
Recognize the right of currently enrolled students and families to consider other educational options, and if a transfer is initiated by the family, provide appropriate support and documentation in a timely manner, including reminding the family of any policies related to contractual obligations to the current school
For more information on Independent School Principles for Good Practice, please visit National Association of Independent Schools